B’nei Mitzvah at RSNS represents the best facets of our community: A commitment to lifelong learning, creating a sense of belonging, and a dedication to social justice. Students are challenged to rise to their truest potential through mastery of Torah and prayers and are lovingly guided on their journey towards young adulthood by our community and its leaders. B’nei Mitzvah families are invited to make the experience personally meaningful through the selection of English readings to punctuate the service, studying the Torah portion and presenting it to our community together as a family, and helping their child take on a social action project that gives back to the larger community through tikkun olam – repairing the world. Families also participate in a year-long kadima (7th grade) class that deepens their knowledge and experience of all areas of Jewish life and helps create a sense of community that ties families together through this rite-of-passage which begins with the B’nei Mitzvah student, but reaches out to include other families and the whole Jewish world. At RSNS, we view becoming B’nei Mitzvah as the beginning, not the end, of a young adult’s endeavors to build a meaningful, connected Jewish life.